Professional Positions
July 2024–Present. Research Associate, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes, Northern Arizona University
April 2023–June 2024. Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes, Northern Arizona University.
September 2022–May 2024. Climate, Youth, and Inclusion Advisor, Food System Service Center contractor, Front Office, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, U.S. Agency for International Development.
September 2020–August 2022. AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow/Youth Advisor, Inclusive Development Division, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, U.S. Agency for International Development.
November 2018–August 2020. Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Ohio State University.
November 2017–May 2018. Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University.
Academic Qualifications
Graduate Certificate (January–July 2021). Environmental Policy and International Development. Harvard Extension School.
PhD (October 2013–November 2017). The ecological and conservation implications of amphibian skin anatomy and evolution. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. Supervisors: Drs David Norman and Nadia Fröbisch (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany).
MSc (September 2011–June 2013). The function and evolution of the syncervical in ceratopsian dinosaurs with a review of cervical fusion in tetrapods. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto. Supervisor: Dr David Evans.
BS (August 2009–July 2011). Major in Biology (Zoology), minor in Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy. Western Illinois University. Honours supervisor: Dr Matthew Bonnan. Thesis title: Quantifying the posture of quadrupedal dinosaurs: A geometric morphometric approach.
AS (August 2008–July 2009). General Science. Illinois Valley Community College.
Professional Duties
September 2020–August 2022 AAAS STP Fellows Biodiversity Affinity Group co-chair.
January 2015–present Steering Committee member for the Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium
September 2015–December 2017 IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group RedList Authority Intern for mainland Southeast Asian amphibians
September 2015–October 2016 Global Scholars Board Member for the Global Scholars Group
August 2014–May 2015 Executive Committee Member for the 2015 Global Scholars Symposium (Cambridge, UK)
June 2014–April 2015 Chair of Organising Committee for the 2015 Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium (Cambridge, UK)
November 2013–May 2014 Media & Communications Committee Member for the 2014 Global Scholars Symposium (Oxford, UK)
April–September 2012 Member of the organizing and host committee for the 2012 Canadian Paleontology Conference (Toronto, ON)
Scholarships and Awards
NEON-ESA Early Career Scholar ($1500)
Innovation fund, Museum für Naturkunde (€1,890)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Short Term Scholarship (€2,125)
Cambridge Philosophical Society Travel Grant (£150)
Palaeontological Association Student Travel Grant (£200)
Gates Cambridge Scholarship (tuition and fees + £13,500 per year)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15,000 distributed over three semesters)
School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant ($160)
School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant ($500)
Dinosaur Research Institute Student Project Grant ($3,000)
Department Scholar for the Department of Biological Sciences (WIU)
Mary A. Bennett Scholarship (WIU—highest overall GPA and hours in the Department of Biological Sciences) ($200)
First Place, Podium Competition, Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day ($200)
Lawrence Blatchley Memorial Textbook Award
College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Grant ($300)
Honors Research Grant ($200)
Goldfarb Scholarship ($2,000 distributed over two years)
Frank C. Wagenknecht Scholarship ($10,000 distributed over four years)
McGuiness Scholarship ($4,000 distributed over four years)
Conference Presentations
Oral Presentations
VanBuren, C. S. and M. A. Jarzyna. 2020. Cross-continental comparison of late Quaternary small mammal functional diversity. 105th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2020. Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Grinham, L., C. S. VanBuren, and D. N. Norman. 2018. The evolution and associate traits of facultative bipedality in diapsids: implications for identifying archosauromorph locomotor transitions. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2018. Albuquerque, NM, USA.
VanBuren C. S. 2016. Evaluating the relationship between amphibian skin and global declines. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2016. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
VanBuren C. S. 2015. The function and evolution of fused cervical vertebrae in marine amniotes. SVP Program and Abstract Book, 2015, 229. Oct. 17. Dallas, Texas.
VanBuren C. S., P. D. Mannion, D. N. Norman, and P. M. Barrett. 2014. The effects of sampling and research effort bias on the ‘poor’ lissamphibian fossil record over the last 80 million years. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2014. Nov. 5. Berlin, Germany.
VanBuren, C. S. 2014. Lissamphibian palaeobiodiversity over the last 80 million years. Progressive Palaeontology 2014. Southampton, UK.
VanBuren, C. S. 2014. The quality and utility of the amphibian fossil record. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2014. London, UK.
VanBuren, C. S., N. E. Campione, and D. C. Evans. 2012. Challenging functional hypotheses for the syncervical of ceratopsids ; pp. 62–63 in L. J. O’Brien, C. M. Brown, K. S. Brink (eds.), Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings No. 10. University of Toronto/Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.
VanBuren, C. S., and M. F. Bonnan. 2011. Quantifying the posture of quadrupedal dinosaurs: A morphometric approach. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2011, 208. Nov 2. Las Vegas, Nevada.
VanBuren, C.S. 2011. Quantifying the posture of quadrupedal dinosaurs: A morphometric approach. Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day, Western Illinois University.
Poster Presentations
VanBuren, C. S. and J. Alroy. 2019. Bioregionalisation of Australian amphibians. International Biogeography Society 2019. Malaga, Spain.
VanBuren C. S. 2015. Using anatomy for conservation: Insights from the skin of Litoria infrafrenata. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2015. Cambridge, UK.
VanBuren, C. S., N. E. Campione, D. H. Tanke, and D. C. Evans. 2013. Testing adaptive hypotheses for anterior cervical fusion in Ceratopsia. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2013, 230. Oct 30. Los Angeles, California.
VanBuren, C. S., N. E. Campione, D. H. Tanke, and D. C. Evans. 2013. Unfused ceratopsid neck vertebrae: Variation, ontogeny or pathology? The End of The Dinosaurs: Changes in the Late Cretaceous Biosphere Symposium, Abstracts, 15th Annual PaleoFest, March 2-3, 2013, Burpee Museum of Natural History, Rockford, IL, p. 60. [Invited]
VanBuren, C. S., V. M. Arbour, and D. C. Evans. 2012. Cervical fusion in Ankylosauria: Anatomy and function. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2012, 187-188. Oct 19. Raleigh, North Carolina.
VanBuren, C. S., and M. F. Bonnan. 2011. Quantifying forelimb posture in hadrosaurs: A morphometric approach. International Hadrosaur Symposium: 153. Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta.
VanBuren, C.S. 2010. Functional morphology of the radius bone in marine mammals and reptiles. Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day, Western Illinois University.
July 2024–Present. Research Associate, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes, Northern Arizona University
April 2023–June 2024. Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes, Northern Arizona University.
September 2022–May 2024. Climate, Youth, and Inclusion Advisor, Food System Service Center contractor, Front Office, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, U.S. Agency for International Development.
September 2020–August 2022. AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow/Youth Advisor, Inclusive Development Division, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, U.S. Agency for International Development.
November 2018–August 2020. Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Ohio State University.
November 2017–May 2018. Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University.
Academic Qualifications
Graduate Certificate (January–July 2021). Environmental Policy and International Development. Harvard Extension School.
PhD (October 2013–November 2017). The ecological and conservation implications of amphibian skin anatomy and evolution. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. Supervisors: Drs David Norman and Nadia Fröbisch (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany).
MSc (September 2011–June 2013). The function and evolution of the syncervical in ceratopsian dinosaurs with a review of cervical fusion in tetrapods. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto. Supervisor: Dr David Evans.
BS (August 2009–July 2011). Major in Biology (Zoology), minor in Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy. Western Illinois University. Honours supervisor: Dr Matthew Bonnan. Thesis title: Quantifying the posture of quadrupedal dinosaurs: A geometric morphometric approach.
AS (August 2008–July 2009). General Science. Illinois Valley Community College.
Professional Duties
September 2020–August 2022 AAAS STP Fellows Biodiversity Affinity Group co-chair.
January 2015–present Steering Committee member for the Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium
September 2015–December 2017 IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group RedList Authority Intern for mainland Southeast Asian amphibians
September 2015–October 2016 Global Scholars Board Member for the Global Scholars Group
August 2014–May 2015 Executive Committee Member for the 2015 Global Scholars Symposium (Cambridge, UK)
June 2014–April 2015 Chair of Organising Committee for the 2015 Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium (Cambridge, UK)
November 2013–May 2014 Media & Communications Committee Member for the 2014 Global Scholars Symposium (Oxford, UK)
April–September 2012 Member of the organizing and host committee for the 2012 Canadian Paleontology Conference (Toronto, ON)
Scholarships and Awards
NEON-ESA Early Career Scholar ($1500)
Innovation fund, Museum für Naturkunde (€1,890)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Short Term Scholarship (€2,125)
Cambridge Philosophical Society Travel Grant (£150)
Palaeontological Association Student Travel Grant (£200)
Gates Cambridge Scholarship (tuition and fees + £13,500 per year)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15,000 distributed over three semesters)
School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant ($160)
School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant ($500)
Dinosaur Research Institute Student Project Grant ($3,000)
Department Scholar for the Department of Biological Sciences (WIU)
Mary A. Bennett Scholarship (WIU—highest overall GPA and hours in the Department of Biological Sciences) ($200)
First Place, Podium Competition, Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day ($200)
Lawrence Blatchley Memorial Textbook Award
College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Grant ($300)
Honors Research Grant ($200)
Goldfarb Scholarship ($2,000 distributed over two years)
Frank C. Wagenknecht Scholarship ($10,000 distributed over four years)
McGuiness Scholarship ($4,000 distributed over four years)
Conference Presentations
Oral Presentations
VanBuren, C. S. and M. A. Jarzyna. 2020. Cross-continental comparison of late Quaternary small mammal functional diversity. 105th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2020. Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Grinham, L., C. S. VanBuren, and D. N. Norman. 2018. The evolution and associate traits of facultative bipedality in diapsids: implications for identifying archosauromorph locomotor transitions. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2018. Albuquerque, NM, USA.
VanBuren C. S. 2016. Evaluating the relationship between amphibian skin and global declines. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2016. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
VanBuren C. S. 2015. The function and evolution of fused cervical vertebrae in marine amniotes. SVP Program and Abstract Book, 2015, 229. Oct. 17. Dallas, Texas.
VanBuren C. S., P. D. Mannion, D. N. Norman, and P. M. Barrett. 2014. The effects of sampling and research effort bias on the ‘poor’ lissamphibian fossil record over the last 80 million years. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2014. Nov. 5. Berlin, Germany.
VanBuren, C. S. 2014. Lissamphibian palaeobiodiversity over the last 80 million years. Progressive Palaeontology 2014. Southampton, UK.
VanBuren, C. S. 2014. The quality and utility of the amphibian fossil record. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2014. London, UK.
VanBuren, C. S., N. E. Campione, and D. C. Evans. 2012. Challenging functional hypotheses for the syncervical of ceratopsids ; pp. 62–63 in L. J. O’Brien, C. M. Brown, K. S. Brink (eds.), Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings No. 10. University of Toronto/Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.
VanBuren, C. S., and M. F. Bonnan. 2011. Quantifying the posture of quadrupedal dinosaurs: A morphometric approach. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2011, 208. Nov 2. Las Vegas, Nevada.
VanBuren, C.S. 2011. Quantifying the posture of quadrupedal dinosaurs: A morphometric approach. Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day, Western Illinois University.
Poster Presentations
VanBuren, C. S. and J. Alroy. 2019. Bioregionalisation of Australian amphibians. International Biogeography Society 2019. Malaga, Spain.
VanBuren C. S. 2015. Using anatomy for conservation: Insights from the skin of Litoria infrafrenata. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2015. Cambridge, UK.
VanBuren, C. S., N. E. Campione, D. H. Tanke, and D. C. Evans. 2013. Testing adaptive hypotheses for anterior cervical fusion in Ceratopsia. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2013, 230. Oct 30. Los Angeles, California.
VanBuren, C. S., N. E. Campione, D. H. Tanke, and D. C. Evans. 2013. Unfused ceratopsid neck vertebrae: Variation, ontogeny or pathology? The End of The Dinosaurs: Changes in the Late Cretaceous Biosphere Symposium, Abstracts, 15th Annual PaleoFest, March 2-3, 2013, Burpee Museum of Natural History, Rockford, IL, p. 60. [Invited]
VanBuren, C. S., V. M. Arbour, and D. C. Evans. 2012. Cervical fusion in Ankylosauria: Anatomy and function. SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2012, 187-188. Oct 19. Raleigh, North Carolina.
VanBuren, C. S., and M. F. Bonnan. 2011. Quantifying forelimb posture in hadrosaurs: A morphometric approach. International Hadrosaur Symposium: 153. Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta.
VanBuren, C.S. 2010. Functional morphology of the radius bone in marine mammals and reptiles. Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day, Western Illinois University.